Tuesday, August 28, 2007


How great is this? We start a series about our best dinners ever and immediately, the invitations roll in for fabulous dinners and parties....

On Sunday, our friends Bill and David had an end of summer celebration - The Endasummerparty.

We arrived in their back garden to find this:

And this:

They'd asked us to come a little early, since we were bringing the bread. But the rest of the guests soon arrived and we all sat down to eat.

A party like this is a lot of work, but they were smart about it. They ordered in some of the food, and rented the tablecloths and wineglasses. I'm sure they were tired afterward, but I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it. Here's Bill conducting the conversation:

You can bet we're looking around our property, trying to figure out where we can fit in a nice long table and some paper lanterns. We're running out of fine weather for this year, but maybe a Startasummerparty next year.....

Thanks, guys!

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