Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Oh To Be In England

Being the immigrant child of immigrant parents has given me so many benefits: a sense of adventure, a sense of the possibilities this world has to offer.

But there has been a cost to these benefits, as I believe there are for any immigrant family, and that is time spent with the family left behind.  I saw my grandmother twice in my life.  Aunts, uncles, cousins, rarely.

We went to England on Sunday, to reconnect with my English cousins.  And what a time we had!

Called to Table

Sunday family dinner for fifteen, including a possible long-lost relative of my father-in-law.  Paul arrived with the news that no family connection could be found, but a few leads to other possible family.

He fit in so well and is such a great person, we may just have to claim him anyway...

They Could Be Related....

And I was reintroduced to my cousin John, whom I hadn't seen in 43 years.

John and Barb

We ate and drank and laughed far into the night.

And every so often, I had to pinch myself to be convinced it was real.  I'd never even thought to dream of the possibility that so many of us McMahon's would be gathered in the same room.

Many plans are underway to repeat the occasion.

Here's to life.  Here's to family.



Juliet said...

Hey! You were in England! Welcome and goodbye again! Really glad you had such a great time over here.

Heloise said...

Amen, it sounds like you've had a fabulous time. I have to say I do miss the markets - although we are slowly catching up locally.

Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

It was a lovely time, though short.

Need to come back again soon...