Friday, June 20, 2008

Celebration Fridays

from Atmantis' Flickrstream

I went to the theatre last week, to see The Music Man.

Normally, I avoid musical theatre.  I feel about it the way some people feel about clowns - it scares me half to death.  I can't help thinking, "What if real life were like this?"  You'd be afraid to start a conversation!

But a free ticket is a free ticket.  So I went.  And enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.  Having read the notes in the programme before it started, I paid extra attention to the music.  And found it clever.

The acting is wonderful and I really liked the sets - especially the little town on wheels that the characters move around themselves.

But this is Celebration Friday, and before I get too distracted by theatre reviews (though go see it, if you can), I'll tell you a little story.

Sitting next to me that night was an older couple.  He shook.  I'm thinking he had Parkinson's.  And he'd had a tracheotomy.  Obviously, life has been difficult for them lately.  But they were out.  At a musical.  And every time the music started, he'd tap his hand in time.  Which I thought was cool.

And then came the big love song.  And in the darkened theatre, I saw her reach over and take his hand...

So this Friday, I'm celebrating love.  And its power to endure.  And the way that endurance can make me want to cry, just a little.

How 'bout you?  What will you be celebrating?



Nina Timm said...

I celebrate life with its ups and downs, because every now and then someone like you comes along to just remind us of how blessed we are to know love - being in a marriage, family, your children or just a friend. Embrace it!!!!

Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

So kind of you to say so, Nina!