Monday, September 22, 2008

Vampire Days


Savannah Grandfather


At the Farmers' Market on Saturday, our favourite fruit vendor informed us that this was the last week for peaches.


The table was already laden with the new crop apples.  And next week I'll happily take on the crunch and tang of a new season.  But right now, I still want to revel in the unbelievable juiciness of a fresh, ripe peach.

Is there anything like the scent of a fully-ripened peach?  It cannot be imitated or manufactured. 

Inhale deeply.

Wait a moment and then sink your teeth into the soft, yielding fruit.  Close your lips around the opening and drink in the juice.  It's that, or let it flow down your arm to drip off your elbow.  Both approaches have their merits (If there's no one to see you do it, licking peach juice off your arm can be quite pleasurable!).

That first bite of a peach always puts me in mind of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire.  I suppose because I read it on summer vacation, many, many years ago, while eating my way through a basket of peaches.  Her descriptions of vampires and their victims were so sensual, so.... juicy.

Food and books.  Two of life's greatest pleasures.


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