Monday, December 8, 2008

Comfort Food Mondays - Warm Toes!!!

(Not that warm toes are a food, as such.  But it's very hard to enjoy a meal when you're shivering.)

The first thing we did when we took possession of our new apartment was to call our favourite window salesman and order a new bedroom window and a new back door.  We knew it would take awhile to get them here and winter was coming on.

When the weather turned cold, you could feel the breezes along the floor.  If you dropped a piece of paper, you'd have to chase it.  Eating a meal at our nice kitchen table was a misery.

And, since we're also re-doing the bedroom and currently sleeping in our office, that means that most nights, our dining room table is covered in computers and notepads (you wouldn't want me to give up the blogging, would you?).  Gracious dining has been a little sporadic around here.

But the new door was delivered!  And installed!

Snow and cold can't get me now!

And last night, Alan and I had a lovely candle-lit dinner at the kitchen table.  And, in fact, it was comforting.

So the moral of the story?  Find yourself a decent place to eat.  One that's warm enough and light enough and maybe a little romantic. 

It really goes a long way to making life worth living.

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