I left a comment saying that we're very relaxed and remember people, it's all about spending time with your friends!!!!
We had a little dinner party last night. Potentially six of us around the table (One couple is trying to sell their house and so weren't sure they could make it.). But with the possibility of six of us around the table, we needed something bigger out on the deck. Eating at the nice big table indoors wasn't an option, because it's nearly the end of summer and we need to take every opportunity we can to eat on that lovely deck, right?
We have a perfectly nice table for four out there, that can squeeze six, if necessary, but how hard could it be to move the other table?
So we decided to move the nice big dining room table and wasn't it going to be a pretty scene out there for these people who hadn't been to our house before and that's why I'm cleaning so frantically, because we live like slobs and I don't want them to see how we live!
When people we know better come for dinner, it's easier. When it's our friend, Fiona, we just kick those dust bunnies back under the sofa (Hi, Fiona! Love you!).
When it's Margaret, we let them roam free (Hey there, Margaret! Glad it all went OK!)
But did I mention, these people have never been here before!!
So we pick up the round dining table that's going to look so pretty out on the deck. And we have to move all the furniture in the hallway. And it doesn't fit through the first door we try, so we back up and try another door and that involves lifting it over the bed and it's really, really heavy and homemade and does not fold up or come apart in any easy way.
We finally get to the back door and....
That's right! It doesn't fit through the door.
That Door Does NOT Lift Out!!!!!
So back it goes into the dining room and we try again with the kitchen table and after only, oh, twelve tries we finally manage to get it out onto the deck. Only a few minutes before they're due to show up. I get cleaned up and Alan finishes the dinner prep and no, I don't vacuum up the paint chips from this little disaster,
though I do pick up the big chunks. And I set the table. And tell myself I'm not even bothered that it's not centred under the chandelier. There's just no room to fix it.
The Chandelier Isn't Centred - Now THAT'S Relaxed!
And then our guests show up and the wine starts to flow and Alan and I stop hating each other and we sit down to a lovely dinner. All four of us...
At three o'clock this morning, I awaken to the sound of rain on the roof. And my lovely kitchen table that I painted and decoupaged with chocolate wrappers from Paris is still on the deck.
Fortunately, Alan is awake, too, because I don't want to be the kind of wife who awakens her husband out of a sound sleep at three in the morning to tell him we need to go and rescue the table.
The leaves squeal hellishly when we retract them for the trip back through the door. And, really? I'm pretty much fine with the thought that summer's drawing to a close.
So, what kind of host are you?
Isn't that always the way?
Thanks for sharing!
oh no!
i'm part of the couple trying to sell our house who were not able to make it and who damaged your paint and who had you up at tree in the morning retracing your table moving steps who now feels a total prat!
But it will all be worth it when your house sells!
Besides, we're the idiots who decided to move the table.....
I think that makes us the prats.
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