Thursday, November 27, 2008

Soup! The Rest of the Story

I met Victoria a few years ago when we both had a table at the Farmer's Market.  Alan and I were selling our bread and she sold soup.  Really yummy soup.

Time moved on, as it does.

One day this summer, Alan came home from work and said, "Guess who started in the Green Room today!" 

It was nice to meet up again.  Turns out, she's still making soup.  She needed an assistant and I needed a job, so every Wednesday, we take over the kitchen at Knox Presbyterian Church and cook our little hearts out.nov 26 2k8

Victoria uses fresh ingredients whenever possible and avoids additives in the canned or frozen vegetables she uses.  The soup is made in small batches.  On good days there's a half jar of something left over and I get to take it home.

If you live in Stratford, you can find Soup to Adore at the County Food Company

I will keep you posted as the business expands.

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